Q: What made you want to write your story?
A: Many people have asked me over the years to write it.
With the support from my best friends, I figured it was now or never.
Q: Did you have a ghost rider?
A: No I didn’t.
Q: How long did it take you to write it?
A: It’s been in the works for 5 years but 2 years to actually complete.
Q: Did you find it difficult to write about your private life?
A: For the most part, no. But I did find it difficult to re-live the painful parts.
Wanting to be transparent about my mistakes, I needed to be mindful of my children’s feelings.
Q: How did you possibly go back and remember all the dates and happenings?
A: I kept date books and journals for most of my life and I was able to reference them. It was actually easier to remember the older stuff then the current.
Q: Who influenced you most in your life?
A: My mother and my children.
Q: In your book, do you mention having any regrets in your life?
A: Yes, I do and I’ve mentioned several.
Q: What was your biggest concern in writing your story?
A: It was similar to the feeling that you get when you throw a party and are afraid that no one will show up.
Q: What was the most difficult chapter to write?
A: The chapter about the disintegration of my second marriage.
Q: What do you think will be the takeaway from your readers?
A: I hope my story will be an inspiration that no matter what life throws at you, positivity and happiness is a choice.
Tina Cole Q&A
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I watched my three sons as a kid. During the last several years i started watching it again on Me Tv. I enjoy the show even more now!!! I never realized what a beautiful woman you are!! You really balanced the show..
Love your story about Doris Day and Robert Conrad. They are my favorites . Thank you. You are a Sunny Day. ❤️