BearManor Media News — peter knecht

10 Questions with Dr. Ava Cadell, editor of Blood & Justice on the Sunset Strip and widow of the late Peter Knecht

peter knecht q&a

10 Questions with Dr. Ava Cadell, editor of Blood & Justice on the Sunset Strip and widow of the late Peter Knecht

10 Questions with Dr. Ava Cadell, editor of Blood & Justice on the Sunset Strip and widow of the late Peter Knecht 1) Your late husband Peter Knecht was quite a character! Who was he and what did he do?Professionally, Peter Knecht served as the District Attorney for Beverly Hills and Malibu before going into private practice, when he opened the Law Offices of Peter L. Knecht on the Sunset Strip in 1966. He became a renowned Criminal Defense Attorney who represented many Hollywood celebrities, and he appeared as a TV analyst on criminal justice for major media outlets, such...

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