Meep! meep!
Author Dan Sendker talks about his*Dance of the Comedians - 75 Years of the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote - An Unauthorized History* on the Jan. 18 and Sun. Jan 19 edition of “Flashback with Wes Britton!” Then stay tuned for author Bob Blackburn discussing his * Kathy Wood and I: How I Fell Down the Ed Wood, Jr. Angora Rabbit Hole* on “Remember Again” on the Artistfirst radio network!
Yep, deep dives into classic Warner Bros. cartoons Sat. Jan 18 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern over:
Then, at 8:00, dive into the unique world of Ed Wood Jr., his *Plan 9 from Outer Space,* and the 1994 *Ed Wood* biopic starring Johnny Depp by streaming us or downloading the shows anytime you like this weekend at:
Dr. Wesley Britton, Host Artist first flashback with Wes Britton
Wes Britton’s “Remember Again” ArtistFirst page:
Wes Britton’s espionage files:
The “Flashback with Wes Britton” Facebook page:
I was about to be conned and all my assets taken away from me and this was all in the name of love, the love i had for my ex wife, but with the help of she was exposed and all her plans truncated.