BearManor Media News
Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Max Linder: The First Cinema Celebrity
book review james l. neibaur max linder
Book review courtesy of James L. Neibaur Back around 1970 there was an informative book entitled Clown Princes and Court Jesters that offered chapters on lesser-known comedians of the silent era. This included some of the true pioneers of the moving image, such as John Bunny, Augustus Carney, and Max Linder. Author Lisa Stein Haven’s new book from Bear Manor Media explores the life, career, and tragic end of Frenchman Linder, citing his lasting significance to film history. Max Linder began in films in 1905, making him the first world-famous movie comedian. Writing his own scenarios early on, Linder’s comic...
Eddie Green: The Rise of an Early 1900s Black Entertainment Pioneer

- Post by author Elva Green Eddie Green was born in 1891 when it was difficult for Black people to get ahead. But Eddie did. He wrote this about getting into radio. "Radio for Negroes is a very hard field to get into...very hard! But the returns are so great, that it's worth the try." You can see that Eddie became a success through radio. He also said "Talent is get respect if you know your business." And Eddie did get respect. Because he made it a point to know is business. He had determination. And he got along...
Book Review: Ma and Pa Kettle on Film
book review james l. neibaur ma and pa kettle
Reposted with permission by James L. Neibaur If ever a movie series demanded a book of its own, it is Ma and Pa Kettle. And it's especially grand that Lon and Debra Davis have chosen the project for BearManor Media. This reviewer once held a free weekly film series for his townspeople at a downtown coffee shop. The bonafide classics of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Laurel and Hardy, and W.C. Fields were well attended and enjoyed, but when I would show a Ma and Pa Kettle film, the place was so packed we worried the fire marshall...
Hello and welcome to the official blog of BearManor Media, a book publisher for books on the bygone era of classic Hollywood. My name is Amanda and I will be updating the blog weekly with new releases, promotions, and sales. I'll also be posting about books, eBooks, and audiobooks that have already been published. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email me at amanda[@] - thank you!