For over fifty years, the beloved 1960s sitcom Bewitched has been enchanting
television audiences. Created at a turbulent time in American history,
Bewitched offered a brief respite from the worries of the day.
The Bewitched History Book ties in the events of the times with each episode
and breaks down each episode in depth.
Within these pages you will learn everything about America’s favorite
witch, Samantha Stephens, her dreary mortal husband, Durwood—er—Darrin,
and the grand host of witches, warlocks, and marvelous mortals who
accompanied them on their journey as television’s most unique couple.
Rare trivia and photos accompany the episodes, as you learn which witch went
which way along with what mortal madness materialized in the swinging 1960s
of suburbia!
David Pierce is considered to be the Bewitched Historian from his posts at and He is a
brokerage case manager for disability insurance. This is his first book.